The Work of God

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live”  – John 5:25

There’s urgency in the air. Can you hear it? It’s the sound of the voice of the Lord crying, “Arise, my Church and live.”

The world has rocked the Church to sleep. Indifference abounds. Complacency takes the place of hunger. The love of many waxes cold.

As the presence of religion increases in the world, the presence of the world increases in the Church. More Christians than ever before are trying to hold to a form of Godliness while denying the power of Christ. They are “ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:7)

Will you choose the god of this world or the God of the Word? The middle ground is disappearing. Today is the day of salvation. Now is the time for every true believer to stand and be counted. It’s time to live our life on the front lines.

Before transformation comes transition. We must come to the end of ourselves and surrender to Christ. The same life and power through Christ Jesus two thousand years ago is available today through God’s Spirit. The call has gone out. Will the body of Christ take heed? Will the Church awaken? It’s time for Christians to take a stand. It’s time to find the power to live.